The Tromba Marina
A Study in Organology
1978 / 2002 by Dwight Newton
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A Partial Listing of Extant Specimens

The following listing is arranged in sub-sections by location. Each entry contains as much information as is presently known by this author and is given in the following order:

a. Name of maker
b. Date of manufacture
c. City in which it was made
d. Museum or collection
e. Museum number
f. Label information and/or annotation
g. Height, maximum width of body, minimum width of body, length of string
h. Source of this information.

None of the entries contains all of this information, but it should be clear from the context just what each item refers to.

F. Mouyet, 1680, Brussel3-s. rp·4usee Instrumental du Conservatoire Royal de Musique de Bruxelles, 217. Label: "F. Houyet me fecit a Namur en 1680." Hexagonal tapered body with long neck. Vertical tuning screw. H.202cm., max. w.27cm. From catalog of this collection.

Nicolas Duclos, 1763· Brussels. Same collection as above, 477.  Label: "Nicolas Duclos me fecit a la Real Ciutadel de Barcellona, 1763." Spanish. Head carved to form a lion's head. H.197cm., body 115cm., max, w.28cm, Same source as above.

Renault, second half of l8th century. London. Royal College of Music, 289. Body of 7 staves forming two longitudinal parts bolted together on the inside, Belly with 2 roses and inlaid surrounds. Neck marked with bone strips~ Body stamped "RENAULT." Tuning peg with ratchet. H.198cm., body 120cm., str. 155cm. From A. Baines, European and American Musical Instruments.

Anon., 17th century. Basel. Hist, Mus., 1876.21; Nef 151. From Kloster Wittechen, Badischen Schwarzwald. 7 staves of lime. Vertical tuning screw. H.200crn. From A. Baines.

Mathias Hornsteiner, Mittenwald, 1790. Berlin Instit. f. Musikforschung, 158. MS. Label: "Mathias Hornsteiner in midten wald an isser grate geigen macher 1790. 6 staves of pine. Vertical tuning screw. H,195cm, From A. Baines.

Anon. 18th century. London. Roy. Col. Mus., 244. Body of 7 staves. Neck attached by iron plate. Finial in the form of a human head, H.194cm., body 117cm., str. 140cm. From A. Baines.

Anon. ca. 1700. London. Victoria and Albert Museum, 174-1882. 5 staves of pine. Belly with oval soundhole with ebony moulding surround, 41 sympathetic strings run inside, close to the belly, from wrest pins at top of body, accessible through a sliding trap, to hitch pins at base. Ratchet tuning by separate key, H.191cm., str. 144cm. From A. Baines.

Anon. 17th century. Cologne. Musikhistoriches Museum von Wilhelm Heyer in Coln, 27. H.172cm., body 115cm., max. w.35cm., min.w.7.5cm. From Museum catalog (Kinsky).

Anon. 18th century. Cologne. Same as above, 28. H.187cm., body 120.5cm., max. w.32.5cm., min. w.7.5cm.

Anon. Copenhagen. Das Musikhistoriches Museum zu Kopenhagen, D28. H.207cm., max. w.12.5cm. From Museum catalog (Hammerich).

Anon. Copenhagen. Same as above, D51. H.220cm., max. w.23cm. (Hammerich).

Anon. Second half of 17th century. Boston, Boston Museum of Fine Arts, 17.1733 a & b. 5 staves of pine. Belly of pine. Sliding door in top of belly for access to 50 sympathetic strings. Iron ratchet tuning pin. Maple bridge. H,192cm., str. 150cm. (See Fig.19 and Plate IV, this paper,) Bessaraboff.

Anon. Washington, United States National Museum, 95280, 95281, and an American reproduction, 219418.

Anon. 18th century, Lisbon. Conservatoire Nacionale, 100. Two strings. Belly with rose and "flame" soundholes. Strings pass over ordinary symmetrical bridge and attach to belly. Pegbox with two pegs. Str. c.128cm.